Specialty Injectable Procedures

liquid rhinoplasty
A liquid rhinoplasty is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves the injection of dermal fillers, typically hyaluronic acid-based, to reshape and contour the nose. It is used to address minor imperfections such as bumps, asymmetry, or a drooping tip, providing a temporary, non-permanent enhancement. This quick and minimally invasive approach can result in a more harmonious nasal appearance without the need for surgery.
liquid bbl
A liquid Brazilian butt lift, also known as a non-surgical butt lift, involves the use of dermal fillers to add volume and contour to the buttocks. This non-invasive procedure aims to enhance the shape and fullness of the buttocks, providing a temporary and less invasive alternative to traditional surgical butt augmentation methods. While results are immediate, they are not permanent, and additional sessions may be required for maintenance.
liquid facelift
A liquid facelift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a combination of dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid, and muscle-relaxing neurotoxins like Botox, into various areas of the face to restore volume, reduce wrinkles, and create a more youthful appearance. Unlike a traditional surgical facelift, a liquid facelift is less invasive and requires little to no downtime, providing a temporary but effective solution for facial rejuvenation and contouring.
rbf treatment
Marionette lines are the vertical lines that extend from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. They can give the face a somewhat downturned or sad appearance. “Resting bitch face”, or RBF, is a term used to describe a facial expression that may appear unfriendly or unapproachable even when a person is not intentionally making such a face. Botox can be injected into the muscles around the mouth to relax them and reduce the pull on the corners of the mouth.
jawline contouring
Non-surgical jawline contouring involves the use of different modalities to enhance the definition and appearance of the jawline without the need for surgery. Techniques commonly include the use of dermal fillers to add volume and sculpt the jawline, along with Botox injections to relax muscles and create a more refined profile. This non-invasive approach provides a quick and effective way to achieve a more contoured and balanced jawline, with minimal downtime compared to surgical alternatives.
lip flip
During this procedure, a small amount of neurotoxin, such as Botox or Dysport, is injected into the upper lip muscles to relax them slightly. This procedure can be used to correct an overly gummy smile or create the appearance of fuller and more lifted lips depending on where the muscle belly is injected. The neurotoxin temporarily relaxes the muscles, causing the upper lip to lift slightly, which creates the illusion of fuller lips without adding volume. The result is a subtle enhancement of the upper lip’s shape and an overall more defined and youthful look.
What are the benefits?
- Non-invasive
- Quick treatments
- Minimal discomfort
- Little to no downtime
- Lower risk of complications compared to surgical procedures
- More affordable than surgical procedures
- Depending on the product used, results can be seen immediately.
Who is the ideal candidate?
The ideal candidate is someone who is in good overall health and has realistic expectations about the outcomes. They should have a clear understanding of the procedure, good skin elasticity, and no allergies to the substances used. The candidate’s age may vary, but consultation with a qualified healthcare professional is essential to assess individual suitability and provide personalized recommendations.
How many treatments will i need?
Results will be seen after one treatment. Depending on how your body metabolizes the products, subsequent treatments may be required every 3-18 months.